Kewra Essential Oil-1 kg
- SKU ID: 3c117f6383384095ab17cc3a5a091e65
- Availability: In-Stock
Maruti Natural Fragrance
Kewra Oil- केवड़ा
Kewra, or kewda is an essential oil distilled from the male flower of the fragrant screwpine. The plant is native to Tropical Asia, Southeast Asia, and Australasia, and the oil is used as a flavoring agent throughout many of these regions.
What is kewra Essential oil made from?
Maruti Natural Fragrances kewda Oil is made from traditional hydro-distillation of fresh flowers of the plant Pandanus odoratissimus. The plant is from the family of Pandanaceae. Flowers for extraction of kewra attar are plucked in the early morning as flowers lose their aroma quickly after opening.
What are the aromatic properties of Kewra?
Kewda Oil has a sweet, refreshing, and floral aroma with hints of hyacinths and honey.
What are the uses of Kewra Oil?
What are the health benefits of Kewra Essential Oil?
Why buy Kewra Essential Oil from Maruti Natural Fragrances?
Because we believe in serving our clients quality products with quantity. Our expert support staff is always available to entertain your queries related to the products.We offer a more comprehensive range of Essential oils at a competitive price
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